The General Regulations for Students
These General Regulations for Students must be read in conjunction with the appropriate degree programme regulations and any other associated School Policies, Procedures and Codes of Practice.
- The General Regulations for Students (known as the “General Regulations”) are laid down by the College Senate and can only be suspended or amended by, or with the authority of, that body.
- The General Regulations are valid to all students registered for a degree or other qualification at the College i.e. certificates, diplomas, degrees and other qualifications and are subject to amendments annually.
- In addition to the General Regulations, students will be subject to the degree-specific regulations in force at the time of their first registration on an award or individual module.
- The General Regulations apply to all students who are not registered for a degree or other qualification at the College but are admitted to follow individual modules at the College.
- Students must read and abide by the General Regulations alongside the degree-specific regulations for their programme of study.
- Applicants, candidates and Students, from the start of the application process, are aware that they have to read and understand the General Regulations personally and be responsible for ensuring compliance with all the College regulations, policies, codes of practice and procedures.
- The College will not accept responsibility in the case of non-compliance by students with regulations, policies, codes of practice and procedures. Failure to comply may result in the termination of a student’s registration by the College.
Applications for suspension of the General Regulations must be made through the appropriate Head of Department or the Degree Programme Supervisor on which the student is applying for or enrolled on. These requests must be made to the Registrar. Such requests will be reviewed by the Dean on behalf of the Senate. If suspension is approved, the case will be reported to the next meeting of the College Academic Board.
- The Academic Board has the authority to award any degree, diploma, certificate or other award granted by the College in accordance with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research -MHESR.
- Academic Board has the authority to revoke any degree, diploma, certificate or other award granted by the College in case of the following circumstances occurred:
- Administrative error in the award made.
- The provision of additional information that was unavailable to the examiners at the time of award for a valid and over-riding reason.
- A recommendation from an Academic Misconduct or Student Disciplinary Committee, including the provision of fraudulent information by the student
- The College will publish an Admissions Policy via the website on an annual basis. Applicants must comply with the Admissions Policy in place at the time of their application to study a named programme.
- Applications to study must be made in accordance with the Admissions Policy and via the published application procedure. This will include complying with any deadlines for providing supporting documentation as requested.
- All offers of admission to pursue a programme of study at the College are made by the Registrar or an authorised nominee. No promise or purported offer made otherwise than in accordance with this Regulation has any validity.
- An applicant will not be registered as a student unless they have received an offer of admission for the programme of study on which they wish to enrol and have accepted that offer in writing by the published deadline.
- Admission is conditional upon an applicant signing a declaration and undertaking that they will abide by the regulations, policies, codes of practice and procedures laid down by, or with the authority of, the Senate, as from time to time varied or modified by that Body.
- Offers of admission are made for a specific entry date. An applicant who is unable to enroll by the specified date, and has not been given permission to enroll late, may apply to the Registrar or authorised nominee, to have their offer of a place deferred to the next normal entry date. Approval to defer is not given automatically and is subject to approval by the Programme Supervisor. Applications for deferral beyond the next normal entry date, including those for a second deferral, will not normally be granted and, in these circumstances, applicants are required to submit a fresh application. There is no guarantee that a new application will result in an offer of a place.
- The College reserves the right to reject applications to study on academic grounds or if places are no longer available and to give no reasons to such applicants save at its own discretion. Rejections will be communicated to the applicant only by the Registrar or an authorised nominee.
- GENERAL ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS: An applicant cannot be admitted unless they have satisfied the general admissions requirements applicable to their application, any additional entry requirements for the programme of study applied for and any further conditions set in the individual offer of the place.
- INTERVIEWS AND TESTS: Candidates for admission may be called for interview and may be required to take an entrance test.
- ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: Admission to the College is conditional upon the possession of a good knowledge of written and spoken English as outlined in the admissions policy. Applicants will be subjected to English in-sessional classes for two years or more if required. The requirements in respect of English language competence are laid down from time to time by, or with the authority of, the Academic Board. Applicants for admission may be required, as a condition of their registration, to attend pre-sessional English language classes.
- The minimum entry qualification is the ability to demonstrate the potential to study at undergraduate level is 65% or above in the Sudanese Certificate or any equivalent to non-Sudanese certificate.
- In addition to 6.5.1, programmes of study may specify additional entry conditions as outlined in the Undergraduate Prospectus or on the College web site.
- A student’s date of registration is the date of their first admission and enrolment on their degree programme i.e. the date on which their degree programme starts.
- Registration, enrolment and re-enrolment procedures will be laid down by the Director of Academic Services annually and all successful applicants or students must register, enrol or re-enroll, as appropriate, in accordance with these procedures.
- Applicants or students may not attend classes or use the facilities of the College until they have completed enrolment or re-enrolment procedures.
- In respect of programmes of study leading to the award of a qualification, initial enrolment will include registration for the qualification being sought. Students must register at the beginning of their programme of study for the degree programme and mode of study for which they have been offered a place.
- Registration may be full or provisional. Full registration remains valid until the end of the current academic year or until the end of the qualification sought or until registration is terminated or lapses, whichever is the sooner. Provisional registration shall last until such time as prescribed by the College in each case.
- Students following programmes of study of more than one-year duration must re-enrol at the beginning of each subsequent academic session as determined by the structure of their programme of study.
- To have met all admissions requirements for the programme of study
- To have completed all online and in-person registration and enrolment procedures
- To have paid all fees and charges to the College or to have provided guarantees of such payment satisfactory to the College within the published timeframe
- To not have been barred from further registration due to any breaches of the regulations, policies, codes of practice or procedures
- Students on taught programmes of study must comply with the Module sign-up process published annually.
- Students can only be registered for one qualification at a time. Students cannot be registered concurrently for another degree at another Higher Education Provider.
- A student who has been awarded a College qualification may not subsequently be registered for the same qualification in the same subject or branch of study.
- It is the responsibility of applicants and students to ensure that information which they provide is accurate and complete. This requirement applies, amongst other things, to applications, qualifications, and registration, enrolment and re-enrolment. The College reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place or to terminate or suspend a student's registration or to prevent enrolment or re-enrolment if fraudulent information has been supplied or if information has been fraudulently withheld.
- Students may be required to provide proof of identity, academic qualifications and other information which they have submitted. The College reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place or to terminate or suspend a student's registration or to prevent enrolment or re- enrolment if proof is not produced in the means specified and within the agreed time limit. The College also reserves the right to make such enquiries as it thinks fit to ascertain the accuracy of information submitted to it.
- The Taught Degree Regulations stipulate, among other things, the normal attendance modes and duration for approved programmes of study.
- The College reserves the right to withdraw or alter programmes of study or modules. Advance notice will be given to students of alternative options.
- The College term dates will be approved annually by Academic Board and published on the website: .
- All teaching will take place in property owned or leased by the College for that purpose, except where the Dean on behalf of the Senate specifically authorises teaching to take place elsewhere.
- Tuition fee rates are published for specific academic sessions and are fixed for the duration of that session. Students are required to pay the tuition fees relevant to their year of study.
- Tuition and other fees will be charged according to the College Refund and Charging Policy which can be found on the tuition fees page of the College web site.
- No applicant or student will have completed registration, enrolment or re-enrolment procedures until the appropriate tuition fees have been paid or there is written assurance, acceptable to the College Dean, that the tuition fees will be forthcoming from a reliable source such as Student Finance or other formal sponsor found acceptable to the College.
- Students undertaking degree programmes may pay two equal instalments on agreeing to the terms and payment of an administration charge.
- The first instalment shall be paid no later than the enrolment date and the final installment shall be paid before the first term examination of the College Calendar.
- Where a student has a debt or other liability outstanding, the College reserves the right to take action to obtain settlement including legal proceedings.
- A debt or liability may include, among other things, outstanding tuition fees or loans, facilities damages and library debts (including unreturned library items). Action may include: the withholding of end-of-session results or award documents; the withdrawal of library privileges; refusing re-enrolment in the following academic session; deny access of the Campus, cancellation of registration or enrolment and exclusion.
- ATTENDANCE: Students are required to attend regularly and punctually all lectures, classes, tutorials and seminars which form the programme of study for which they are enrolled and any prescribed English language classes. Students are required to comply with instructions concerning attendance which may be issued from time to time by, or with the authority of, the Head(s) of Department(s) or the Programme Supervisor in which they are studying. In addition, students must comply with any programme or award attendance requirements. Failure to attend regularly and punctually without good cause may result in the Director of Academic Services deeming a student to have withdrawn from the programme of study.
- PROGRESSION: For programmes of longer than one-year duration, progression from one year to the next will be subject to the student satisfying the Academic Board in respect of such progression. Students who fail to satisfy the relevant Academic Board will not be permitted, at that time, to proceed to the next normal year of their programme of study.
- FAILTURE TO FOLLOW ENROLMENT OR OTHER PROCEDURES: Students who interrupt their studies without approval or otherwise fail to re-enrol at the designated time may be deemed by the Director of Academic Services to have withdrawn from their studies and their registration will lapse. In such cases an application for re- registration will be considered and, if granted, may be subject to specific specified conditions.
- Students who wish to apply for a change of Programme registration relating to the current academic year must submit a completed degree transfer application form to the Registrar by the deadlines published annually on the Registry website.
- Applications for a change of Programme registration after the deadlines will only be considered in exceptional cases. Late applications will be forwarded to the College Dean. The Dean will report any changes approved to the Registrar.
- No student shall engage in activity likely to interfere, in the broadest sense, with the proper functioning or activities of the College or those who work or study or undertake action which otherwise damages the College or its facilities.
- Students are required to comply with all regulations, policies, codes of practice and procedures from time to time laid down by, or with the authority of, the Senate or Academic Board and with all relevant legislation.
- Students are required to abide by the rules for its use as laid down from time to time by the library
- Students are required to abide by the rules for the use of College computer & E-Systems. Users must comply with the local rules and laws when using the internet. They shall not use the College internet or network to harem any person within the College or outside.
- A student is liable to penalties, which in serious cases may extend to suspension or termination of registration. Such penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the disciplinary or other procedures from time to time laid down by, or with the authority of, the Senate or the Academic Board.
- Students are required to keep the College informed of their current home and term-time address and other contact details. The College will request the student to provide a family member in Sudan to be their contact person in which it can be communicated by the College for any reason.
- Communications sent to an individual student must be regarded as applying to that student only.
- All students are required to have regular internet access, allowing them to access programme resources at Moodle learning system, to submit assessments, and to access the programme specifications and regulations for their programme of study and modules.
- All students must have a laptop computer owned by them fitting the requirements set by college. Students will not be allowed to register unless they confirm their hardware to the relevant IT department.
- Students understands that the hardware they use must be protected by anti-virus software approved by the College and shall make sure that their use to the network at the College is safe and harmless to any of the College Software, system and any other software or hardware within the network or outside.
- The term assessment includes assessment of a module by written examination, coursework, project, dissertation, oral examination, performance or any combination of these or other forms of assessment as approved by the College. Where used without modification, the word examination refers to a written examination.
- No student will be admitted to an assessment unless they have attended the appropriate programme and/or module(s) of study in preparation for the assessment.
- Students may have their entry to an assessment or assessments cancelled if they have not attended the appropriate programme and/or module(s) to the satisfaction of the College or in accordance with attendance requirements prescribed for the relevant programme and/or module(s) of study.
- Students who re-enter for any part of an assessment shall be assessed in accordance with the regulations that were current when they first entered for assessment.
- Candidates must abide by the instructions to candidates governing the assessments for which they have entered. Failure to observe the instructions to candidates may constitute academic misconduct and be referred for investigation under the College Academic Misconduct Policy.
- Examination scripts, dissertations, independent study projects, or essays for modules assessed wholly by one piece of coursework, are the property of the College and will not be returned to the students.